Monday, November 29, 2010

My Top 10 Favorite Anime

The question "What are your favorite anime series?" always rises when going to conventions and being surrounded by otakus. Strangely enough, I actually have a hard time answering that one. I've watched so many that I've never put them in any particular order or preference. There were just the ones I liked and ones I never found favorable. Still, I think there is always at least one anime you like over others, and it shows when you are either buying merchandise or speaking to a fellow anime enthusiast.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

They're not eating turkey, are they? ^^;;

I know it's a little late (almost midnight over at my side of the world) but I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on behalf of Atashi no Burogu! Whether your spending time with the family eating turkey, or watching anime all day, I hope you have a wonderful time XD 

I'm also keeping a very close eye on Black Friday sales because I'm planning on upgrading to a PC (the crappy Dell laptop I'm on sucks!). is an excellent website that keeps an eye on great deals! Happy shopping!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


[Taken by mishumishi. There's so many of them!]

What are Nendoroids? I had no clue at first what they were neither until I started noticing them more and more in toy/comic book shops such as Forbidden Planet and Elizabeth Center Mall in Chinatown. They also started popping up through the internet and I finally got a hold of one on my birthday as a present; it was Misa from Death Note. That's when I got hooked...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

First post!


Yes, I've done it. I've created a blog. Just like every other hopeless otaku out there, I've created a blog to ramble on about my passion for Japanese culture; anime, manga, video games, cosplay, figurines, food, etc. Sad, huh?